Monday, March 8, 2010

Sack Lunch: Good Ol Turkey

The truth is most of my meals are not as chic as this blog leads you to believe. It's usually fruit for breakfast and veggies for dinner, but that wouldn't make much of a food blog now would it? But in an effort to keep it real...

This morning I packed a lunch. Like for real. Like mom used to do. I often eat at my desk because I'm too busy at work or I'll use my break to run a few errands. So maybe I'll get takeout, or run across the street to the grocery store to pick up something to assemble. But I'm trying to switch it up, and trying to eat more protein.

I'm a carnivore that generally doesn't eat meat. Not that I'm opposed to it, just sometimes it creeps me out. But I'm protein and iron deficient so it's time to step it up. Last week in the office I made a PBJ and it so hit the spot. If only I had a lunchbox.

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