Thursday, March 25, 2010

French Toast with Peanut Butter, Cafe de Coral

Tea Time at Cafe de Coral

Cafe de Coral is a local chain that can be found on every other corner. They're everywhere. They consider themselves Chinese fast food, but it's more of a lunchy counter servicey kind of place. Noodles, cutlets... and french toast!

I need to do more research on this phenomenon. I'm not sure why little local restaurants (tons and tons) have french toast on their menu, but I appreciate it. It's often served with condensed milk or jam or something, but I had to go with one of my favorite things on the planet... peanut butter!

While Cafe de Coral has nothing to do with corals, or Spanish, it's super cheap, fast, and the staff wear some kind of costume that's like a blast from the past. Check out the link! The English words Cafe de Coral sound like the Chinese name for the restaurant, which means something like everybody's happy.

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